August 30, 2019
Bose Frames
I don’t know what’s gotten into the water supply at Bose lately, but whatever it is has led to a burst of interesting, innovative, and experimental products.
The latest to emerge are the Bose Frames, a pair of sunglasses with built in speakers that pipe audio to your ears in a way that only you can hear.
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August 9, 2019
I Bought an Android Tablet
I know, I know.
It isn’t a joke though: it’s 2019 and I actually went out to the Samsung store to exchange my own money for a Galaxy Tab S5e, a freakishly thin slab that currently stands more or less alone in the Android space against Apple’s dominant iPad.
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August 7, 2019
First released in 2017, Gorgoa is one of those indie darling titles that’s since made its way to just about every gaming platform you can think of.
It’s been on my backlog for ages, and when I finally got to it I opted to play on its original, native platform: iOS. I maintain that iOS is the best console for this kind of tactile puzzle game, and Gorgoa is further proof.
I loved it. You should play it. Here’s why.
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August 4, 2019
Amazon Kindle Oasis Review (All Generations)
The Oasis was the first Amazon Kindle product to make me read less instead of more.
When the first generation Oasis arrived on my doorstep nearly three years ago, it made a less-than-positive first impression. It was slower to wake from sleep than the Voyage that preceded it, had no meaningful improvements to the screen, and introduced a brand new form factor whose benefits I didn’t find beneficial.
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digital lifestyle