October 2, 2019
Frank Chimero recently blogged about an interesting nuance of social media that I hadn’t considered.
He points out that positivity tends to be encapsulated into small, generic “like” units, while negativity requires its own separate posts, and thus carries more visual and algorithmic weight.
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digital lifestyle
September 30, 2019
Mouse or Trackpad?
In discussions about whether to use a mouse or a trackpad—like the one on a recent episode of the Accidental Tech Podcast—it’s often presented as an either/or choice.
But each input method has concrete benefits, which is why for the past two years, I’ve been opting to use both in tandem, with one on either side of my keyboard.
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digital lifestyle
September 27, 2019
iPhone 11: First Impressions
I wasn’t planning on upgrading my phone this year. My intention was to put a new battery in my beloved iPhone X and continue to use it.
Then, last week, I talked to our phone carrier about switching to a more favourable plan. I quickly realized I could not only upgrade two of our devices, but also bring our monthly fees down in the process thanks to some aggressive promotions for small business customers.
So I did.
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September 6, 2019
Macro With the Ricoh GR III
One of the unexpected benefits of using my Ricoh GR III has been having access to a decent macro solution in my pocket.
Having been burned in the past by the poor close-up performance of the lens on other compact cameras like the Fujifilm X100 series, I didn’t even bother trying the macro mode on my GR III until a few weeks into owning it, imagining that things must be the same.
I was wrong.
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