I'm writing at marius.ink these days—I hope to see you there! ☺️

March 19, 2018

How to Remove the OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Caption From Your Photos

For whatever reason, Olympus hasn’t yet fixed this peculiar firmware frustration on any of their cameras, including the flagship E-M1 Mark II.

Any photo taken on an Olympus camera is assigned an all-caps OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA label in the caption field of the metadata. This can be annoying because it’s not immediately evident that this is happening, but whenever you post it on a social network or other platform that surfaces this data, you’ll suddenly find it attached to your photo as the title or description.

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March 9, 2018

A Dollop of Permission” Craig Mod on Creative Tools

Craig is one of those drop-everything-and-read-his-new-piece kind of essayists.

He’s talking about tools this time, and describing a way of looking at the relationship between creatives and the tools they use:

Read More → digital lifestyle productivity link
February 28, 2018

Olympus E-M1 Mark II

What would it take to convince you?

Read More → review photography
February 23, 2018

The Thing Is…

Filed under the same category as my frustration with people who say they could care less” when trying to express the opposite sentiment, I want to talk about the thing is”.

I don’t know why, but in recent years I’ve heard a dramatic and terrifying increase in the appearance of these sorts of nonsensical redundancies in people’s speech:

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