It’s Impossible to Lead a Totally Ethical Life—But It’s Fun to Try →
I appreciate Ephrat Livni’s perspective in this piece for Quartz.
It boils down to this:
Read More → linkI'm writing at these days—I hope to see you there! ☺️
I appreciate Ephrat Livni’s perspective in this piece for Quartz.
It boils down to this:
Read More → linkIn direct violation of accepted wisdom, I’ve found myself in business with both my best friend, and my partner. It’s been five years, and we haven’t killed each other or ruined our friendships yet.
Today, I don’t look back on the decision to go down this path with anything approaching regret or doubt. If anything, I feel relief at not having missed out on the most positive, fulfilling five years of work in my life.
Read More → digital lifestyleI spent two weeks in Japan this past November, and one of my personal photographic missions for the trip was to try my hand at street photography.
Read More → photography travelI was listening to an episode of the Mac Power Users podcast the other day, and their discussion of macOS menu bar apps inspired me to share my own setup.
Read More → technology